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Life Together

To those purposes, our Lord's Day (Sunday) schedule is as follows: Our Lord's Day (Sunday) schedule at New Hope Reformed Church is dedicated to the the worship of our Almighty God, the building up of the body of Christ, and fellowship with one another. Our Lord's Day (Sunday) at New Hope Reformed is dedicated to the worship of our Almighty God, the building up of the body of Christ, and fellowship with one another.

  • 10:00 am~Bible classes for all ages

  • 11:00 am~Morning Worship

  • Following morning worship-Fellowship Lunch. All are invited. Visitors are anticipated, planned for and welcome. 

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Morning Worship-The Service of the Lord's Supper

Corporate worship is the time where God's people gather together, in the name of Jesus Christ, to praise God and renew our covenant commitment with Him. Corporate worship is a conversation between God and His people. When we hear God's Word read and rightly preached, we hear God speak to His people. When we sing and pray, we respond to God's grace and goodness to us. Our morning service is the time where we come together as God's people to meet with our God, to hear Him freshly pronounce His promises and will to us. We in turn, recommit our lives to our Lord and King, in confession of sins, in praise and prayer, with thanksgiving and a renewed trust in what our Lord has provided, and with a commitment to obey what is revealed by the grace of God.


After we have confessed our sins and heard the Word preached, we enjoy sweet communion with our Lord by coming to the Table He has set for us. Each Lord's Day we observe the Lord's Supper, the covenant meal with our God (Matthew 26:26-29). Weekly Communion is not only appropriate for the occasion (for the covenant meal should accompany covenant renewal) but it is also the pattern of frequency the apostles themselves left for us to follow (Acts 20:7). 

As God's covenant people, it is most appropriate (and truly vital to our Christian lives) that we share our lives in community together. Each Lord's Day (Sunday), we have opportunity to spend time together informally, eating, enjoying one another's company and fellowship. One of the marks of the early church recorded in Acts 2:42 was continued fellowship and community. When we sit down at the table together each Lord's Day, we share not only food for our bodies but we share our lives together as a true family.

The food we share is provided by each family who are members or regular attenders of New Hope Reformed. Guests are anticipated and welcome to enjoy the food and the community provided each Lord's Day. 

Each Lord's Day 

our worship service order or liturgy includes the following elements:

  • Call to Worship

  • Singing of Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs

  • Prayer

  • Confession of Sin

  • Reading of Scripture

  • Sermon

  • Catechism Recitation

  • Confession of Faith

  • The Lord's Supper (Communion)

  • Doxology

  • Benediction

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Sunday, 10 am

Classes for children and adults meet each week before worship.

Bible Studies

We seek to know and understand God's Word so that it can dwell in us in all wisdom. To that end, we gather on both Sunday and through the week to study the word together and to encourage each other as we learn and grow. 


Tuesday, 7 pm

Men's Evangelism and Prayer Group meets at the church building.

Wednesday, 7 pm

All are invited to this study at the Anderson's home in Lexington (please call or text for directions).  Join by Zoom if you can't in person-send a message for the meeting code.

Thursday, 7pm 

  • Women's Bible Study meets on via Zoom.  Send a message for Zoom log in info. or study materials. All ladies are invited. 

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