
Matthew 28:18-20
"And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen."
As believers in Christ, we-corporately and individually-have been called to go into the world to share His truth, proclaim His Lordship and call all men to him. As part of that mandate, we partner with and support a number of missions that serve in our community, nation, and His world. Each month we focus on on mission for specific prayer and we share from God's bounty to support their work. Click on the buttons below to learn more about each of our mission partners.

The Dorcas Room is an inhouse ministry of NHRC and has several facets including:
-- Clothing Closet with gently used items for babies and children (typically up to size 5). Clothes for older kids and adults are accepted but will usually be shared at one of our regular swap parties through the year as space is limited.
--Blessing Bags-complete blessing bags are stored in the Dorcas Room to be given to those in need within our community. You may consider keeping a bag or two in your car to give to someone in a providential situation. If you would like to donate items for the bags, see this suggested checklist.
--The Dorcas Room is also our storage area for donations for PHC and OCC shoeboxes (see below). Bring items you'd like to donate to any of the portions of the Dorcas Room and they can be stored until needed and distributed.

The Pregnancy Help Center in Richmond, KY exists to help women and their children (both born and unborn) who find themselves in financial, emotional and or spiritual need. We partner with the center regularly with our prayers, volunteer service, donating items needed in the center's Earn While You Learn Baby Boutique and participating in the Baby Bottle Blessings, Golf Fore Life and the Night for Life Banquet annual fundraisers.
Items for donation to PHC can be dropped of at the church and will be delivered. An up-to-date needs list can be found here. Thanks!
Covenant Homeschool Co-op is a once a week school that offers classes for pre-school through upper elementary age children. CHC's mission is to aid families as they training and disciple their own children to serve Christ in the world. That aid takes the form of a Biblically sound, academically rigorous, creative program. The school operates under the oversight of the Session of New Hope Reformed Church but is open to any home school family in the community who holds to the school's statement of faith. Classes taught by member parents, field trips, science and other subject fairs are offered during the co-op's school year.

Over the years, we have supported the ministry of Samaritan's Purse in a number of ways. In 2024 we will be participating in the Animals, Agriculture and Livelihood program. Bring donations from June to November to fill our farm animal pinata. We will open the pinata at our annual Reformation Celebration and then see what portion of the sponsor an animal program we can support. Prayerfully consider how we can sponsor a goat, chickens, a cow or other animals to help a family develop a livelihood and hear the gospel! Learn more by clicking the Samaritan's Purse button.
Scot and Carol Musser have served as Christian Educators in or near Madrid, Spain since 1998. In December 2013 they began serving with Resourcing Christian Education International. Their vision is to see the "evangelism and discipleship of Spanish youth through Christian education" and to "develop a culturally sensitive, self-sustainable, reproducible model of Christian education for Spaniards."
LIFE School, the outworking of the last few year's labors opened in the fall of 2017. The school continues to expand its staff and number of students and is the ONLY evangelical Christian school in the nation of Spain. Notably, it is an English speaking school and many parents choose it for their children to learn the English language as part of their education. Please pray for this work, its influence in local communities, for its staff and leadership. Pray especially for the children and families enrolled in the school that the gospel will go forth and Christ will be proclaimed and many lives discipled.

Alliance Defending Freedom has been standing for freedom since 1994. ADF is the world’s largest legal
organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights, and
the sanctity of life. They work to defend our cherished liberties in Congress, state legislatures, and courtrooms
across the country—all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.
We support ADF to aid their vital service to Christ's church and individual Christians who's freedom of religion and expression of their faith is threatened.

According to their website, End Abortion Now "believe(s) that it is the responsibility of the Church to fight
abortion as Christians who stand on the Word of God...The heartbeat of End Abortion Now is to proclaim the
Good News of forgiveness and salvation, to help mothers and fathers considering abortion, and to see that
equal justice is afforded to unborn children through righteous legislation that criminalizes the act."
In addition to our support of EAN, members of our congregation have participate in ministry & prayer & proclamation on a regular basis at the EMW Surgical Abortion Clinic in Louisville, KY. We are dedicated to proclaiming God's Word, His wrath and His mercy and providing tangible help and hope to those in need.

We support the American Bible Society to help make the Bible available to every person in a language and format each can understand and afford, so that they may experience the life-changing message of the Gospel. American Bible Society partners with local Bible societies, churches and pastors to ensure that the Bibles you provide go directly to those who need them most.